Our Story

The story so far.

In 2013, ART hospitality started a culinary journey as ‘A Rule of Tum’ with private events, pop-ups, and festival feasts in Herefordshire.

From humble beginnings, we've slowly expanded to open restaurants, launch a food festival, and deliver on our mantra of curating extraordinary food experiences in remarkable spaces.

Dish is a return to our roots of creating incredible events and gatherings, reimagined, with new energy and a decade’s worth of experience in the industry.

As we embark on the next chapter, we’re brimming with anticipation of what’s to come, of more exciting and vibrant events, and a commitment to continuing to perfect our craft.

A note from Lara

I’m here to welcome the next chapter with open arms. The key to hospitality is making people feel at home and my aim for Dish is to welcome every one of your guests as if they’re my own.

When you have a team like ours events are truly magic, every piece of the puzzle slotting together seamlessly to create the most memorable experience for everyone involved. After 9 years in the industry, from restaurants to weddings and events, my passion for sharing great food is stronger than ever.

It all begins with an idea and I can’t wait to hear about yours!